This is a library for a generation that understands knowledge, values and ethics are the basis for the development of a more inclusive society
Teresa e Alexandre Soares dos Santos
This is a library for a generation that understands knowledge, values and ethics are the basis for the development of a more inclusive society
Teresa e Alexandre Soares dos Santos
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The Open Access Week 2022 will be held from October 24th to 30th this year centred on the topic “Open for Climate Justice”.
The climate crisis has occupied a fundamental space on our agendas, bringing together an extensive community of experts looking for a solution to a problem that threatens the sustainability of our planet and our survival as a species.
Following UN statements, to speak of climate justice is to recognize that its impact “will not be borne equally or fairly, between rich and poor, women and men, and older and younger generations. “ Open science is key to removing barriers and promoting greater knowledge sharing. Openness is fundamental to the development of policies and behaviour change that allow for an effective and balanced response to climate change issues.
Over the next week researchers, scientists and librarians from around the world are dedicated to promoting actions related to the open science movement. There are many events available, with free access that only require advance registration. You can consult all events on the following page: