Library Rules Challenge: And the Winners Are…

Calling All Library Champions!

The wait is over! We’re thrilled to announce the winners of the Library Rules Challenge, who impressed us with their outstanding knowledge:

1st Place: Diana Marques da Silva
2nd Place: Rita Guerreiro de Figueiredo
3rd Place: Lea Sofie Strohm

We also want to recognize these remarkable participants: Tran Nguyen Dieu Khe, Gonçalo Varela Da Silva, Sara Isabel Batista Gomes da Luz, André Brazuna T. Santos de Almeida, João Pedro Martins Balula, Eduardo Diogo Francisco Nazário, Mafalda Silva Dias Lopes, and Beatriz Guedes A. da Silva Moreira.

Huge congratulations to these champions of library regulations!

A big thank you to everyone who participated! We appreciate your enthusiasm and hope you enjoyed the challenge and gained valuable insights along the way.

Keep an eye on your email for prize claim instructions! We can’t wait to see you claim your well-deserved rewards.

Happy reading and learning!

The Library Team