September is the month for Diversity, Equitiy & Inclusion in our Library.
“The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Collection is a carefully curated selection designed to promote understanding and reflection on critical issues shaping our society. This collection features works from renowned authors addressing fundamental topics such as human rights, poverty, gender equality, LGBTQIA+ issues, inclusive leadership, and more. It offers valuable insights on how to be an effective ally, providing guidance on supporting marginalized communities and fostering a more inclusive environment for all.”
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Office
Citizens: why the key to fixing everythinf is all of us
Jon Alexander; Ariane Conrad Brian Eno (Foreword)
Call number: JF801 ALE
Location: Featured Reading
Disfigured : on fairy tales, disability, and making space
Amanda Leduc
Call number: PN3437 LED
Location: Featured Reading

Johny Pitts
Call number: D1056.2.A38 PIT
Location: Featured Reading
What white people can do next: from allyship to coalition
Emma Dabiri
Call number: PN1-6790 MAR,13
Location: Featured Reading
Sister outsider
Audre Lorde
Call number: PS3562.O75 LOR
Location: Featured Reading
The power of kindness: the unexpected benefits of leading a compassionate life
Piero Ferrucci
Call number: BJ1533.K5 FER
Location: Featured Reading
Feminism for the 99%: a manifesto
Cinzia Arruzza, Tithi Bhattacharya, Nancy Fraser
Call number: PN1-6790 QUE,1
Location: Featured Reading
Women, race & class
Adam Kay
Call number: E185.86 DAV
Location: Featured Reading
The trouble with white women: a counter history of feminisms
Kyla Schuller
Call number: HQ1426 SCH
Location: Featured Reading
The will to change: men, masculinity, and love
Bell Hooks
Call number: HQ1090 HOO
Location: Featured Reading
Biased: uncovering the hidden prejudice that shapes what we see, think, and do
Jennifer L. Eberhardt
Call number: BF575.P9 EBE
Location: Featured Reading
Laudato si’ encyclical letter of the Holy Father Francis on care for our common home Francis
Pope Francis
Call number: Call number: BF575.P9 EBE
Location: Featured Reading
Ética para um jovem
Fernando Savater
Call number: Call number: BJ1142 SAV 25ªed.
Location: Featured Reading